Food wasting

In order to meet year 2050 population demand, food production needs to be increased by sixty percent (60%).
However, the Food and Agricultural Organisation has recently said that one third of the food produced in the world for consumption is being wasted annually (1.3billion tons of food).
Carbon footprint of wasted food is equivalent to 3.3billion tons of carbon dioxide per year
Not only are we endangering ourselves and the environment we live in, we are exposing ourselves to the possibility of hunger and famine if production does not meet population demands.
We need to be more aware and sensitive to the consequences of our actions, maybe then we would not take or buy portions too big for us.
If we understood the future implications of wasting food for both us and the environment then we would be more dedicated to finding ways of storing food
The next time you want to chuck that leftover in the bin, think the environmental and future implications of that.
We need to stop wastage…as a matter of necessity!

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